


Bioenergy accounts for roughly one-tenth of world total primary energy supply today Modern bioenergy is an important source of renewable energy, its contribution to final energy demand across all sectors is five times higher than wind and solar PV combined, even when the traditional use of biomass is excluded . In recent years, bioenergy for electricity and transport biofuels has been growing quickly, mainly due to higher levels of policy support. However, the heating sector remains the largest source of bioenergy. Modern bioenergy does not include the traditional use of biomass in developing countries and emerging economies for cooking and heating, using inefficient open fires or simple cook stoves, which has impacts on human health and the environment. Bertrand PICARD said : “Modern biomass comprises of biofuels and wood pellets and agricultural by-products. The products (fuel) are burnt to create steam, which powers a turbine that generates energy. The UK, China, and India reported more than half of the world’s total bioenergy size expansion in 2018. Examples of bio-power technologies that have received the Solar Impulse Foundation label include a solution transforming biomass into biomethane and bio-fertilizers; and BCH biomass condensing boilers, ultra-efficient biomass condensing boilers which can cut energy costs and emissions in many sectors.”